"Unity Is Diversity"

Unity y is a lightweight, extensible reliance infusion holder that backings capture, constructor infusion, property infusion, and strategy call infusion. You can utilize Unity in an assortment of various approaches to decouple the segments of your applications, to amplify intelligibility in parts, and to rearrange outline, execution, testing, and organization of these applications. 

Unity is a broadly useful compartment for use in a Microsoft® .NET Framework-based application. It gives the majority of the elements regularly found in reliance infusion systems, including techniques to enlist sort mappings and item cases, resolve objects, oversee object lifetimes, and infuse subordinate articles into the parameters of constructors and strategies and as the estimation of properties of articles it determines. 

What's more, Unity is extensible. You can compose holder expansions that change the conduct of the compartment, or include new capacities. For instance, the capture attempt highlight gave by Unity, which you can use to add strategies to items, is actualized as a compartment extensio