"Two are superior to anything one, since they have a decent return for their work: If both of them tumbles down, one can help the other up. In any case, pity any individual who falls and has nobody to help them up. Likewise, if two rests together, they will keep warm. Yet, in what manner would one be able to keep warm alone? In spite of the fact that one might be overwhelmed, two can guard themselves. A line of three strands is not immediately broken." Eccl 4 

"In the event that you two concur on earth about anything that they may ask, it might be accomplished for them by My Father who is in paradise. For where a few have assembled in My name, I am there in their middle." Matt 18 

"Admit your wrongdoings to each other and appeal to God for each other with the goal that you might be recuperated. The supplication of an upright individual is intense and viable." James 5