The requirement for all encompassing comprehension is rising with expanding determination in subject after subject as the procedure of globalization augments itself further and further and human relations stretch out crosswise over old partitions. Developing acknowledgment of the numerous sorts of planetary between reliance of situations, social orders and countries has highlighted the need to state the solidarity of humankind and to create comprehension of a kind which advances this both in principle and practice. The main rationale and controlling rule of comprehension and of meta-science is in this way to find solidarity in differing qualities. 

The main suspicion effectively expressed here is that, pretty much as the individual is basically the same the world over, so is the basically human personnel of comprehension all inclusive. All things considered it can be dissected and explained in order to enhance the advancement of binding together hypotheses in reasoning, the sciences, the humanities and day by day living. 

All wise individuals today make them comprehend of the requirement for the soul of solidarity in human undertakings. Only it empowers us to meet the considerable difficulties raised by the main worldwide society ever, for example, the depletion and contamination of the indigenous habitat and the vile disparities between people groups of various races, ideologies and nations. 

To rehearse effectively in common matters, both "hypothesis" and knowing how to apply it are required. It is in inquiries of utilization that conflicts emerge between two major methodologies. The one begins from the common interests of the individual, be these monetary, social or social interests. The other methodology is supra-individual and respects all things as far as the all inclusive great; of what is valid, essential and best for humankind and the whole world. Placing solidarity into practice includes the meeting of these two methodologies.