The Rio de la Plata is a pipe molded estuary shaped by the conversion of the Uruguay and the Paraná waterways on the east shoreline of South America . The waters of the estuary channel into the Atlantic Ocean. The leader of the Rio de la Plata is included by the delta of the Paraná River and the mouth of the Uruguay. The estuary reaches out for a separation of 290 kilometers, enlarging out with diminishing separation from the ocean, extending from being around 2 kilometers wide close to its source to almost 220 kilometers wide close to its mouth. The Rio de la Plata frames a characteristic fringe between the South American nations of Uruguay and Argentina, and the encompassing terrains are the absolute most thickly populated regions for each of these nations. Numerous critical port urban communities of Argentina and Uruguay, and their separate capital urban areas of Buenos Aires and Montevideo, are situated along this estuary.