Islam is a monotheistic religious custom that created in the Middle East in the seventh century C.E. Islam, which actually signifies "surrender" or "accommodation," was established on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad as an outflow of surrender to the will of Allah, the maker and sustainer of the world. The Quran, the hallowed content of Islam, contains the teachings of the Prophet that were uncovered to him from Allah. Key to Islam is the conviction that Allah is the one and genuine God with no accomplice or equivalent. Islam has a few branches and much assortment inside those branches. The two divisions inside the custom are the Sunni and Shi'a, each of which cases distinctive method for keeping up religious power. One of the bringing together attributes of Islam is the Five Pillars, the basic practices of Islam. These five practices incorporate a custom calling of confidence, custom petition, the zakat (philanthropy), fasting, and the hajj (a journey to Mecca). Numerous Muslims are described by their dedication to imploring Allah five times each day. One of the characterizing qualities of Islam is the supremacy of consecrated spots including Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem. Muslims assemble at mosques to love Allah, ask, and think about sacred text. There is not a sharp qualification between the religious and mainstream parts of life in Islam; all parts of a Muslim's life are to be arranged to serving Allah. Islam extended very quickly past its origination in the Arabian promontory, and now has noteworthy impact in Africa, all through Asia, Europe, and the Americas.