We're discussing the world's biggest lakes yet why is an "ocean" included and at the highest priority on this rundown? The Caspian Sea is faced off regarding on the off chance that it's an ocean or a lake since it has the attributes of both waterways. The Caspian Sea is known not an ocean in light of its huge size, the salt water and its enormous waves. It really feels like an ocean, however it is area bolted with no out flowing waterways associated with it, which makes it a lake as well. Regardless of the perplexity, it is most likely the Caspian Sea is the world's biggest lake with a surface territory of 371,000 sq. km (143,000 sq. mi.). 

In the event that the rest is known for their rich widely varied vegetation, the Caspian Sea is mainstream for its extravagance in vitality riches, with the revelation of oil fields and substantial normal gas supplies in the range. The accessible oil in the ocean (or lake) is the reason for a few differences for the five flanking nations: Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan in the foundation of water limits.