The Amur River is situated on the fringe of China and Russia and is a noteworthy conduit in the northeastern piece of Asia. It's Chinese name is Heilung Jiang which means Black Dragon River. The Amur River is shaped by the intersection of the Shilka River, which ascends in the Russian Federation, and the Argun River, which ascends in Manchuria. It first streams southeast and after that upper east and discharges into the Tatar Straits, which isolate the island of Sakhalin from the territory of Siberia. Its central tributaries are the Sungari River and the Ussuri River, which likewise shapes part of the Manchurian-Siberian outskirt. It is the third longest non dammed waterway on the planet, next to the Amazon and the Lena. 

The Amur and its 200 tributaries deplete a territory of 1,844,000 sq km (712,000 square miles) — the tenth-biggest waterway bowl on the planet and one of the biggest in the Russian Federation. Its fundamental tributaries include: Shilka, Zeya, Bureya and Amgun on the left and the Huma, Ergune, Songhua, Ussuri on the privilege.